It Could Be Much Worse

I’ve never been a physio-nerd at all; like following what my body is doing as I get older and if or when I should start worrying about stuff.  I decided to dive into a book and find out what’s in my near future for my age.  After 30, stuff happens, after 40 more and different stuff happens and so on, and so on.  I work with guys who are younger than me so I see what they are up against right now and kind of compare that to what my “physio-whatevers” were doing back then.  that has been a bit  of a white elephant but did convince me that everyone, yes Virginia, everyone is created differently.

I had someone recommend (can’t remember who, but I’m told that more exercise will increase short-term memory) a book about 40-something guys’ health stuff.  So I took their advice and decided to figure what’s going on b/c I can’t figure out what I think should be happening, and what I think shouldn’t be happening – that made no sense, but maybe exercise will help preventing making statements like that too.

Anyway, it’s go a lot of interesting facts backed up by this or that PhD or institute of something or other; it is interesting reading and it make sense when my brain tries to decipher each chapter.  Bottom line, I’m going to live; the other part of my findings so far is that I can live longer if I do and don’t do certain things.   Of course every single syllable sounds like common sense – but we know common is sense isn’t common; so I’m learning which is good and like I said just from what I learned so far, it could (totally) be much worse.

This month my first endeavor will be to join a Couch To 5K group at my company’s health center.  That should be fun, and rewarding according to this book.  I’ll let you know how it works out.

The Next Generation

My team had the opportunity to sit down with a group of engineering students from a university this week and it was interesting to see where they were at.

A large and varied group of kids that were interested in diving in, becoming an intern, being life-long learners, and those that had no interest in entering the work force before the PhD has been achieved.

Our team had 15 minutes to discuss the real-life day-to-day of what it’s like to build software, rub shoulders, and bump fists with customers and other developers.  And we tried to illustrate that sinking feeling of putting a project in jeopardy.

We think we reached our objective of describing successful software delivery, but only time will tell if anything stuck.  I did get quoted by a few of the students in conversations about some key topics, so maybe a bit of osmosis took place.

We’ll have to wait about 6 or 7 years to see for sure.  Advice is great, but you have to mix it with experience to get an elixir that you can take to the bank.

Oh, Go Packers!